Cacao avocado mousse

Pimped-out cacao avocado mousse

Cacao avocado mousseCacao avocado mousse is my favourite favourite favourite EVER food! Chocolate for breakfast /  lunch / dinner? Yes please! And if you haven’t tried this genius mix already, I’m pretty sure it’ll swoop its way into your top spot when you find how easy – and amazingly delicious – it is.
The sublime superfood combo that is cacao-avocado is nothing new. There are a myriad recipes out there on the internet – from cacao avocado puddings to smoothies to cakes – which is how I found my way to the culinary nirvana that I’ve reciped below.
As Nish and I have gone along – we’ve been having it for breakfast on most days for the best part of a year! – we’ve experimented with lots of different ingredients and perfected this dish to a deliciously nutritious masterpiece. So here goes…

Cacao avocado mousseYou will need for the basics…
1 avocado
1 banana
1 tbsp raw cacao

And for the optional frills…
A chunk of courgette to make it extra fluffy and nutritious
A thumb of ginger to add a spicy warmth
A sprinkle of cinnamon for cosiness
1 tbsp cacao nibs if you like a crunchy texture
A few dates or a squeeze of agave or maple for sweetness
Some frozen berries if you like your choc with a bit of tang
A cube of coconut cream for luxe creamy richness

Chuck it all into the blender with some water or mylk of your choice and hey presto, an invigorating, satisfying chocolate health heaven. This amount serves two generous teacup servings.

Sat nam x

8 years ago

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