Our diabetic cat sadhana

Daisy, our sweet kitty with her Oreo cookie-coloured fluff, has been diagnosed with cat diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus). Our diabetic cat needs us to administer twice-daily insulin injections to help her manage her blood sugar levels. I had no idea a cat could get diabetes, but apparently, it’s common in aging felines.

We’ve only had the pleasure of caring for Daisy for the past four years, but she is 12 years old. In fact, she came to us during a 40-day practice of the Opportunity & Green Energy Set in 2018. And this diagnosis has completely changed our life.

We have to give Daisy an insulin injection at 7am and 7pm every day. That means I have had to adjust my teaching schedule in order to care for her. Last week, I taught my last Thursday night class at The Life Centre. I have been teaching it for the past five years or so, first at Evolve’s beautiful South Kensington studio, then online during 2020’s lockdown era, and finally in the latter months, in person at The Life Centre in Notting Hill. It was an emotional class for me – I will miss seeing so many shining faces. Happily, the lovely Kiranjot has taken the helm, so I can rest easy knowing the class is in VERY good hands.

But wow, it marks the end of an era.

I am still tinkering away at rearranging my schedule. Nish and I are working together to cover the insulin shifts for our diabetic cat. We’re also looking into homeopathic vets to find a more sustainable way to treat this disease. I have to say, it’s not the most romantic start to wedded bliss, but here we are.

In other news, we’re still going strong with Subagh Kriya! More of that in the next post.

Sat nam x

3 years ago