My first 40 days of practicing Gyan Chakra kriya, which is a joyful 11-minute meditation that shines up the arc line and ushers in prosperity, were pretty supersonic. During those six weeks, I gleefully totted up all the instances of opportunity and abundance that flooded my life, and wrote about them here. It was all the proof I needed that this meditation does what it says on the tin!
It’s recommended to practice Gyan Chakra kriya for 120 days to get the full whack. And so I did. But with such an extended commitment, I eventually lost interest in counting on my fingers all the rosy opportunities, big and small, that came my way. Instead, Gyan Chakra embedded itself rather beautifully in the fabric of my morning practice, and, prosperity and fulfilment aside, I continue to be head-over-heels in love with it.
So, the best I can do in assessing the effects of 120 days of Gyan Chakra Kriya is to compare how my reality looks now to how it did four months ago. So, here goes…
I decided to finish up my part-time editing work, which means I get to now spend more time on projects that really resonate, as well as opening up more time for teaching – yay! Plus all the stuff that came up during the first 40 days – specifically filming classes for the College of Psychic Studies – is still sizzling away happily. So in a nutshell, good – and pretty big! – changes. Do I feel different? Yes, and not only on a subtle level. I feel more expansive, and more tuned in with what I want and how to get there. So, thank you Gyan Chakra Kriya.
On a not so fun note, I had quite a few dizzy spells scattered throughout the middle two months. There were quite a few theories from different people on this: inner ear infection (could be), blood pressure (checked many times and it’s totally fine), stress (there have been some big changes in the structure of my daily life so perhaps), and energetic shifts (very possible). Any other Gyan Chakra-ites get dizzy spells? All that spinning energy around my head got me all a-tizz!
Many of you have been asking for a song to support your GCK practice. Here’s a goodie by Jagjit Singh remixed by Harimander Singh Khalsa.
Sat nam x
A comment from Ram Nam Singh (Thank you Ram Nam!):