Is kundalini yoga safe for pregnancy? Here are some guidelines…

UnknownI always do a happy dance when a student tells me she’s pregnant – it means there’s an extra-special shining little presence in the group, and the baby will receive all the healing benefits of the kundalini yoga practice. Meditations after the 120th day of pregnancy will be absorbed by the baby in the womb. That means the baby gets to experience kundalini bliss before they’re even born! Special stuff. But there are some things to bear in mind as you practice… 

When pregnant, a woman’s navel centre is very open and she is super-sensitive. She needs lots of support, and she needs to take it very easy. Create a pregnancy sadhana that’s very relaxing, gentle and meditative. Don’t push it! It’s especially important to listen to your body and rest when you need it, rather than galloping on through to the finish line. And if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right.

A great practice to support pregnancy is charn jap, a walking meditation that can be done with your partner. Walk with hands held, chanting Sat Nam with the left step, Wahe Guru with the right.

Kirtan kriya is the recommended meditation for all women, but it’s ESPECIALLY brilliant to practice while pregnant – it’s right there at the top of the list as it clears the mother’s karma and any imprints from previous relationships, which heals the ancestral line too and paves a shining future path for the baby.

Another goodie, taught to me by my dear friend Magdalena Steinemann, is to rest on your hands and knees in table-top pose, then widely circle your hips on the horizontal plane, as if your bellybutton is drawing a big circle on the mat. It helps to loosen your hips and to relax you.

The following exercises should not be done during pregnancy after the first trimester/120th day, or avoided completely if there are any medical complications…

Steer clear of:
-Exercises which apply pressure to the abdomen, such as bow or leg lifts (although side leg lifts are OK).
-Inversions (when your head is lower than your hips) like shoulder stand although studies say triangle pose/ downward dog is OK (feel what’s right for you).
-Sat kriya.
-Ishnaan/cold showers – a bit harsh.
-Venus kriyas.
-Exercises or pranayama that overstimulate and energise, like breath of fire. Check with your doctor/ see how your body feels. Your pulse shouldn’t exceed 140 bpm, so keep your practice slow and steady.

-After the fourth month, savasana can be done lying on the side.
-As a rule of thumb, stay away from the hardcore kriyas and anything that pushes you too hard. Be gentle!

Sat nam x

7 years ago